Phone : (818) 208-3022
If you are a resident or visitor to the Glendale area of Los Angles and have owned your own car for any length of time, then you have probably had a run-in with airborne debris that has resulted in minor glass damage. No doubt, you are like many automobile owners who are tempted to let the damage go unrepaired for as long as you can. When you do this; however, once we see one of the large temperature shifts that are not uncommon in our area of the country, those small cracks or chips in the glass can rapidly grow to the point of being major problems.
At Valley Mobile Tinting, we always recommend that our current and prospective customers give our team a call as soon as possible to schedule an auto glass repair after first noticing the damage to the glass to your car, truck, van, or SUV.
This prudent action will help you save money for paying for a more expensive car glass replacement as well as give you the added peace of mind knowing that your vehicle occupants will benefit from the expected level of protection of your automobile’s glass in the event of a severe car accident. Our expert team of technicians has honed our auto glass repair skills over the past 20 year, and we know how to efficiently take care of our customers no matter what make or model of automobile that you may drive in the LA area.
Our company is known for delivering top-shelf car glass repair services in the Glendale area, and over the past 20 years has made a big reputation for our quality of service and our prices. Throughout our time in business, we have developed deep relationships with the auto insurance industry, and our staff is commonly able to get our customer’s insurance carriers to waive their deductible for glass repair services. This means that not only will you save on not having to get a more costly glass replacement service later, but many of our customers are able to enjoy our high quality repair services at no out of pocket cost.
That’s right, the only thing you lose is having to meet our mobile repair team at a time, date, and location of your choosing. We never add any additional fees for the convenience of having our certified team of experts take care of your automobile at a location that is convenient for you. Not only that, but we also provide a lifetime warranty on our work so that you will never have to worry about the quality of our team’s work. We are one of the highest rated auto glass repair shops in the Los Angeles area, and our team loves to take care of our clients.
It doesn’t matter how big or small the damage to your auto glass might be, Valley Mobile Tinting is here to help take care of 100% of your auto glass needs. Our more than 20 years of experience in the field helps us be one of the most proficient operations around, and you will find it difficult to find a company who offers the same quality of service with the equivalent service reputation in the local area. Whether you are in need of a quick windshield repair or other service, we are here for you.
Our team can take care of most minor crack and chip repairs in less than 30 minutes, and we are also able to take care of any auto glass replacement needs that you might have. Please give our friendly staff a call today to see how we can best serve you. We will always give you a free estimate on our work, and look forward to taking your phone call today.
(818) 208-3022